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Integrating Blackthorn Events & Salesforce Education Cloud Timeline

May 29th, 2024

Maximizing Educational Event Outcomes with Blackthorn Events and Salesforce Education Cloud Are you looking to take your educational events to the next level? Imagine seamlessly tracking event attendees, analyzing outcomes, and driving impactful engagement. With…

Complete Multi-Language Translation for Event Pages and Registration

February 28th, 2022

If you’re hosting events across the globe with individuals of different nationalities and languages, multi-language support is a must. Help your event attendees avoid confusion and frustration by offering event landing pages and online registration…

Wiring up Lightning Web Components #1

February 28th, 2022

In my previous post I investigated the basic structure of Lightning Web Components. Now I’m going to dig deeper into one of the very crucial aspects of the framework: how you communicate with the…

How to Run Hybrid Events Using Salesforce

February 28th, 2022

Event planners and tech-savvy marketers rejoice! The light at the end of the virtual-only-events tunnel is here. A lot of organizations are combining virtual and in-person formats to maximize results. If you haven’t already,…

The Ultimate Hybrid Events Guide (Version 1)

February 24th, 2022

In August 2020, global events company, Identity Group, released a study. They wanted to know what event type works in a post-pandemic world and who would attend them. As you’ll guess, this research made headlines,…